On a previous Blog post, we have seen that in order to approach dating or relating with meaningful others in a more healthy and wholesome way, one must keep in mind something called the 7 Principles to Conscious Dating.
To summarize them, they are: 1. Self-awareness as the foundation of conscious dating
2. Mindful presence in the moment
3. Clarifying intentions and expectations
4. Embracing vulnerability
5. Mindful selection of potential partners
6. Learning from every interaction
7. Building a relationship with shared values
However, all this sounds rather bland when seen only theoretically and not put into practice.
That is why, I invite you to ask yourselves the following questions:
Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships over and over?
Do you have difficulties meeting or connecting with someone that could, potentially, be someone important in your life?
Do you have a huge desire to love and be loved but can’t seem to find the right partner?
Are you afraid of being alone and find yourself constantly looking for someone, just for the sake of not feeling lonely?
Are you afraid of being invaded and find yourself avoiding relating and/or having multiple partners or lovers?
Do you feel like you don't have what it takes to be loved by someone else?
If any of these questions resonate with you, first of all let me tell you: you are far from being alone in this.
That is why, together with Riccardo Bodhi, a Certified Teacher of the Learning Love Model, we have put together a Workshop called, presicely, "Conscious Dating", where we will embark on a weekend-long journey of exploration, teachings, deep connections to others that are also in this process, self-love and meditation.
The next time the Workshop will take place will be in Miami Beach, FL, on the coming weekend of March 22nd through March 24th, 2024, but we are continuously organizing future instances of it. To stay tuned with the updates, subscribe to my Newsletter! You can find all the relevant information about the Conscious Dating Workshop here, as well as other similar activities. If you have any inqueries, feel free to contact me via email at info@livingwithtotality.com or leave me a message on Instagram @living_with_totality.
I hope to see you on this Workshop or the next, so that we can approach dating and relating in a more conscious way.
With love,
